In this blog, I plan to explore doppelgangers, doubles, avatars, alter egos, etc. throughout various forms of art. For my first post, it is not something that I had really thought of writing about. But when I came across the story of Lynn Hershman Lee, I knew it was a story I could not miss writing about. Lynn Lee is an Ohio artist and filmmaker. Her work is contemporary and includes different media. Although Lynn Hershman Leeson may not be a name you're familiar with, if you were around in Sand Diego, California, in the late 1970's you might know her as Roberta Breitmore. Upon being rejected from an art exhibition, in 1970, she decided to bring her art to the public. In 1974 Leeson decided to take on the form of an alter ego and took up the name of Roberta Breitmore. It seems that Lynn did not take this performance lightly, she lived as Roberta for four years. Leeson obtained a driver's license, credit cards, attended events as her alter ego, and even posted adds asking for roommates as Roberta Breitmore. Her dedication to this performance was incredible, for her appearance she wore wigs and created a specialized makeup routine for Roberta, as you can see in the picture. While it is quite amazing that she was able to pull it off and the lengths that she went to, I can't imagine the toll it took on her mental health. If you're constantly living as someone else, you begin to take on their identity and perhaps lose your own. While doubles or alter egos in society can be a form of art like this one, it can also be a form of escaping from the real world. If one refuses to live as their true selves, they can push away all of the problems that they might endure. Learning more about this topic is something that I'm very excited about throughout this semester.
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