The Scream by Edvard Munch


This disturbing piece was done by an artist named Edvard Munch. Upon researching this painting I learned that Munch did a series of four with this painting. The recreations of the original paintings were done with crayon, oil paint, and tempera paint. This painting has always seemed uncanny to me, especially when I learned that the artist created this painting after an encounter he had in nature. He claimed that when he was on a walk and looked out among the valley he got an eerie feeling and felt as if a scream was running through nature. He decided to paint the clouds red like actual blood. As an artist and working with color you learn that many colors have different meanings. With the color red, it is often used to instill fear or give warning to the viewer. This seems appropriate for this painting. It gives the piece the perfect amount of uncanniness and it seems as though you can almost hear the scream emitting from the painting.
