Doppelgängers in Fine Art

 Here Are 10 Art Doppelgängers That Will Make You Think You’re Seeing Double

Just imagine, you're strolling through the MET or the MoMA and suddenly you find a beautiful painting painted hundreds of years ago, yet you stare at it and it is you in the painting. Well, not really but you can't stop staring at it because it looks exactly like you. In "Here Are 10 Art Doppelgängers That Will Make You Think You're Seeing Double," Sarah  Cascone complies a list of extraordinary instances where people have found their doppelgangers in fine art. It is said that you have about five doppelgängers in the world and throughout time. So how lucky and how special it is that these people have been able to find theirs, even though they may have lived hundreds of years ago. There is something magical to be able to have found your doppelganger in a painting. It must add another element to the painting. Instead of looking at the painting and viewing it for a few moments before passing on, this allows you to be a part of the painting. While some of these people look as if they walked in off the street and happened to find these paintings, some of them look like they came dressed for the occasion. Maybe they found the perfect outfit to match the character in the painting. Which turns the viewing of the painting into a sort of performance. I can only imagine how fun this would be to do with your friends. Research and find your doppelganger in fine art then to dress up like them and go take your picture with the painting side by side. The only painting that I have thought I looked a bit like is the girl in the paint "Girl With a Pearl Earring." Which painting depicts your doppelganger?
